Friday, September 17, 2010

Lunch anyone?

Yesterday as I was getting ready to dump the crumbs out of Eden's lunch bag it felt a little heavier than normal to me. I was shocked to find a sandwich still in the bag , untouched, and a bag of chips unopened. Now the chips are no biggie, but this is the second or third day they were sent in her lunch and with the sandwich untouched this meant she had only eaten her dessert and her Caprisun. Yikes I felt horrible! I had even let her have a brownie for an after school snack and she had eaten a frosted sugar cookie at our friend's house. Talk about "foods of minimal nutritional value."
At the beginning of the year we were very creative with our lunches. We tried to make more of a variety and make them healthier. The catch is the kids rotate making lunches and I think they have already gotten lazy in what they choose to pack and this is only the fourth week of school! So I know what this means, I need to be more involved and help them out-Yeah me, but if it helps Eden's lack of eating, it's worth it, right???

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