Monday, October 26, 2009

First Day of School

I know, I know, I'm doing things a little backwards here. Before, during, and after school started things got so incredibly busy. I have a lot of things I have put off ,this being one of them. The kids started new schools this year with our move. They were nervous, but excited and were great troopers through the whole thing. I never liked changing schools either, but hopefully this will be our last time!
Lauren started the 7th grade. She is taking all pre-A.P. classes along with a teen leadership class, P.E., and band. She is liking all of her classes and doing fabulous playing the clarinet. She made the A honor roll this first semester. Way to go Lauren!
Landon is in the 4th grade. He is in the gifted and talented program for the fist time this year. He was voted to be on the student council by his fellow classmates and he loves it!
Emma is in the 2nd grade. She is doing great and is a "star" student! She is enjoying reading new and more challenging books and loves her sweet teacher.

Eden loves going to her pre-school two days a week where mom sometimes is a substitute for the younger classes. She adores her teacher Miss Louise and is learning all that she can! She loves to do her homework and has her own little desk that she does her art projects and school work at.

1 comment:

Stephenie said...

Great post. thanks for sharing.