Sunday, April 11, 2010

A little look at our Easter

Easter came upon us very quick this year. It seems as the kids get older time goes by even faster. I had to quickly prepare for our Easter festivities. While Rob was at The Priesthood session of General Conference for church, the kids decorated their Easter eggs while I tried to supervise and take pictures. They turned out really pretty, but I think they had more fun making the paper towels look like tye dye than anything else! maybe this should become our new tradition, designing paper towels for Easter.

The next morning Rob sat the kids down before hunting the eggs and talked to them about the true meaning of Easter. Eden was so cute with her quick answers about why we celebrate Easter. She said it was because the bunny came and gave everyone gifts and treats, but she listened carefully as Rob told about Jesus and his suffering in the Garden, His crusifixtion, and His
glorious resurrection.

The kids hunted their eggs, we had a beyond delicious breakfast, and then got ready to watch General Conference.
Later that day we went to my parents for Easter dinner. It was great to be with my parents and my sister's family. I just can't get over how fast our kids are growing up. We are so blessed to live by one another and enjoy special times like these.
I hope you all had a wonderul Easter as well!

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