Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

today was a beautiful, peaceful mothers day. the talks and music (bro. jones played a gorgeous rendition of "a child's prayer" one of my favorite songs)given were very heartfelt and true to life. as tradition each woman was presented a lovely pink carnation and in relief society the young men came in with cupcakes. yesterday rob and kids gave me this gorgeous corsage to wear to church. I have felt the love of my family today as emma offered to paint my nails, eden gave me a homemade card, landon told me i am beautiful, and lauren did the dinner dishes. the thing is, this happens almost every day in my home. my sweetheart came home just to make me a delicious dinner and some kisses. i am truly blessed because of my role as wife and mother and i would not trade it for all of the riches in the world. i am blessed to have learned so much from my own mother, grandmother's, and great grandmother. this week i have been thinking a lot about them and the beauty they have brought from heaven to their earthly home. i thank my Heavenly Father for giving them to me to help me along my path.

happy mothers day

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