Thursday, June 28, 2012

spa treatment

so last night i couldn't sleep. this is pretty normal for me, so as i was lying in bed
i thought about how fun it would be for lauren and i to do a spa day
for emma and eden. landon is gone to scout camp for the week and rob is away at
work so the timing is perfect to enjoy all of our girlie stuff.

we treated the girls to pedicures, manicures, foot rubs, and facials. eden had a hard time
holding still because everything was just so funny. emma loved the nice warm cloth
over her face and the relaxing music.

for the spa luncheon we had pb&j sandwiches made into hearts, cherry tomatoes
and pickles from the garden, string cheese, chips, watermelon, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies,
(lauren made these)and cucumber spa water. it was very refreshing. we talked to the girls about table manners and how to be a lady.

after lunch we did the girls hair. lauren did eden's. she wanted a braid
with some curls. i thought it turned out beautiful. eden loved it!

i did emma's hair. she wanted it in an updo with curls and some soft curls loosely falling down.
we had the best time together enjoying our very feminine side. lot's of giggling, singing, and being silly. i was very happy with the way emma's hair turned out as well. my girls are so beautiful and they really are growing up.

not only did we have a blast today, but we also got to show emma and eden how very special they are as daughters of Heavenly Father. they are as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside. they are precious and priceless with so much good to give to this world.

i hope they always remeber this day and how important they felt. lauren is an awesome big sister. she is always so willing to help and show her younger sisters and brother a good example of a daughter of God. i am so blessed to have these children in my life. i thank my Father in Heaven for giving them to me.

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