Thursday, November 29, 2012

Homecoming Princess

One day after school in October Lauren mentioned someone had nominated her for
Sophomore Homecoming Princess. I thought to myself, wow that's really cool! She had been nominated last year as well, but didn't make it onto the court. We were excited, but that's all it really amounted to.
Then the next morning I got a text from Lauren saying that it was down to her and another girl for homecoming princess. She was really excited and I couldn't believe it. I said a quick prayer that if
it was Heavenly Father's will, please let her win! I wasn't sure when the final voting would happen, maybe we wouldn't know for another day or two. Ultimately, I thought even if she doesn't win it is so awesome that it came down to Lauren and one other girl. Way to go Lauren! I was dancing around the room and called Rob. We celebrated over the phone. The fact that our beautiful, smart, kind daughter was being recognized by her peers in such a cool way was unbelievable. Later as I was driving into Weatherford I got a call from a very excited, thrilled, happy, ecstatic teenage girl. She had been voted Sophomore Homecoming princess!!! It was so great to share in her joy and her special moment. I was on such a high. I called Rob and we talked about how he was going to try to get work off so he could escort his gorgeous daughter onto the football field homecoming night.

Lauren, Emma, and I went shopping to find the perfect, modest dress for Lauren. We were nervous. Modest dresses are hard to find and we didn't really want to take the chance to order one online without her being able to try it on before purchasing one. After three stores we were pretty discouraged. Lauren found one that she really liked, but it would need to be altered and I wasn't ready to stop looking. The next store we went to had the perfect dress. It was the style Lauren wanted, a beautiful color, and fit her perfectly! She was so beautiful. I didn't even have to drive clear across the country to find it. I was one happy mom.

The big night finally arrived. Lauren got a call while she was doing her hair from some of her band friends saying to meet them up at the high school band hall. Rob took her up there and they gave her a beautiful bouquet of flowers to honor her. What sweet friends .We were worried about the weather. It had rained on and off all day and we had been praying it would stop by game time. It wasn't bad until half time when the homecoming court was introduced. It started pouring down rain. Luckily we had umbrellas. It was pretty tough to stay dry and get good pictures though.

Lauren was beautiful. It was such an honor to have her dad be her escort. You could see how proud Rob was of his daughter. Rob's parents, my sister Amy and my nieces Brooklyn and Sierra came as well as the Stacy family and Krogue's from our Branch. When they introduced Lauren they talked about her participation in band, honor's classes, church, and her future goals. She wants to be a physicians assistant, wife and mother. We were all so proud of her and so fortunate to take part in her special recognition.

Lauren will always be a princess in our eyes.
Love you Lauren.

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