Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Traditions

F.Y.I.-Something funny happened while I was posting this: I needed a tissue for my nose and asked
Emma if she could get me one, because frankly I was too lazy and didn't want to get up! She answered
very sweetly, "Sure I will mom." Then I heard Eden chime in, "No Emma let me do it. I want to be mom's servant!"
Oh how I love these kids!
Anyway on with the post: tonight we did something very special that we enjoy doing
every Christmas. The kids got to open their ornaments from Grammy Su and Grandpa Bob!

I let them open them early so they can enjoy them before Christmas.
Every year since Lauren was a baby Su has picked out the most darling ornaments from Hallmark
for the kids. Each child has their own little theme. For instance Emma's is fairies, Landon's is usually a famous male character, like Spiderman or Indiana Jones. Su said she does this so the kids will have ornaments to put on their trees when they are on their own. I think this is a great idea. They have fun pulling out the ornaments from years past and putting them on the kids Christmas tree that is decorated with only kid ornaments-homemade ornaments from school or church, gifts ornaments from friends or mainly the ornaments from Grammy Su & and  Bob!

We were talking about how fun it will be when they have their own kids and they can tell them about the year they got this or that ornament. The enjoyment will continue on for years to come. Su once made the comment that she didn't really know if the grand kids like the ornaments, but they really do and so will their kids, and their kids and so on!

We may have to invest in another kid's tree just to fit all the ornaments on. I love traditions
such as this that we enjoy leading up to celebrating the actual day of Christ's birth. It makes the holidays very merry &bright indeed!

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