Monday, January 14, 2013

Auld Lang Syne

Wondering why Landon is all dressed up and grew a fancy mustache over night? Well, for our New
Year's Eve party of course! Earlier in the day we had fun doing a variety of things in Fort Worth, but for
the evening we decided to have a party at home.

The little girl's decided to get dressed up in the new tutu's they got for Christmas.
This prompted them to dance, which I might add is a regular occurrence in the Bell home.
It doesn't take much
to get these two to perform!

Eden was afraid she wouldn't be able to make it to midnight, but she was able to do just fine. We
didn't get as early of a start as I had wanted to on all of our party activities, but we still had a fabulous time!

I love the Christmas holidays. It is by far my favorite time of year. I love having the
 family around, no school, good food, decorating, music, and just the overall feeling of joy in the air!
2013 is almost here...

Of course a New Year's Eve party wouldn't be a party without all of the fun food. We had shrimp cocktail (Emma's favorite), a cheese ball with crackers, chips and dip (Eden's fave), mozzarella cheese sticks with ranch dipping sauce (Landon's fave), sparkling apple & grape cider, and last but not least at midnight we celebrated with a chocolate cake (one of Lauren's faves.)

She is the reason we decided we must bring more of these little Bell's into the world.
Lauren is priceless!

These beauties are enjoying the party.
I look back at their baby pictures and can't tell them apart!

Sir Landon playing "his" part for the evening...nonalcoholic bar tender!
I took the glasses and dipped them in lemon juice and then dipped them in silver and gold sprinkles.
 It was a hit!

We danced, ate, took pictures, ate, watched the first Sherlock Holmes movie, ate, and
before we knew it, it was midnight! The little girls had painstakingly made confetti for each of us to throw
when it was time. It was really fun and very worth all the work and clean-up!

These kids are so good about letting me take so many pictures!

Landon surprises Eden with a dip while dancing!

My princesses. What treasures I have in my life.

I can't believe we are already at year 2013!  What good times we have had over the years.
We hope this new year brings many fun adventures, peace, blessings from our Father in Heaven, and
continued love of friends and family.
Happy 2013!!!
the Bell family

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