Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Peek at Easter with the Bell's

The  kids had fun decorating Easter eggs Friday night. We had to get them done
early because we knew we would be busy, busy later!

It's fun to see how artistic the kids get as they get older.
They spent a lot of time making the eggs look just right. I hope the kids always want to
decorate eggs until they leave home.

Emma showing off her pretty pink egg!

Lauren getting her "artsy" on!

I love family time like this.

Saturday we went to Grammy & Papa's house for more family time!
We had an egg hunt for all the grand kids. We started with the youngest first.
They were so cute to watch. 
We love all the little nieces and nephews.
The missionaries hid all of the eggs for the kids. It was a lot of fun!

I love Lauren's goofy smile.
Eden's ready to get started!
Eric and Angela's son Aaron. He's 5 yrs old!
Handsome boy!

Emma and Sadie decided to do the egg hunt together. They are truly two peas in a
pod and only 1 day apart!
(love Emma's dimple)
Rob holding his nephew Steven. He is Michael and Karen's youngest.
(so sweet & such a good baby)
Never too old (or young) for an Easter egg hunt, especially if
there might me $$$ hidden in some of them!

It was nice to have Eric's family come from Houston. All of Rob's siblings live in Texas.
We are so lucky!
Little Alanna, what a little sugar plum!
Just some of the "Bell" grand kids. They are all such sweet, smart, kind children!
We are so blessed to have them as family!
We were thrilled Rob got to be with us! He had to leave
 Easter morning, but the time spent with family was such a blessing.
We hope everyone had a special Easter this year!

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