Monday, January 30, 2012


Lauren went to Coronation Saturday. I found out it is something unique to Mineral Wells high school. At first I thought it was a Texas thing. She and a group of her girl friends started the day by going out to lunch at Chili's. Then they got ready and met at five to take pictures around town. Lauren said this was her favorite part of the whole day. I can't wait to get copies of those pictures! I helped her get ready by doing her nails, and her makeup. Grammy Su was able to alter her dress just a bit so Lauren felt more comfortable and put snaps on her little black jacket so it would stay in place. Lauren had a brilliant DIY project for her black heels. She took Modge Podge and painted the heels and under part of her shoes and then glittered them with silver glitter. Wow, they turned out so pretty! At eight they went to the high school where they introduced the court and held a talent show. The dance didn't actually start until 10pm. Lauren was surprised by a boy who her gave her a very pretty hot pink corsage that matched her dress perfectly. He must have done some investigating to find out what color her dress would be. The girls only stayed a little while for the dance and then went to the Olive Garden for dinner. Lauren made it home around 1am. She said next year instead of putting so much money into a dress the girls want to go ice skating or something fun like that. Sounds good to me. I thought Lauren looked absolutely beautiful that night!

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