Tuesday, June 19, 2012

i'm so glad when daddy comes home

lauren peeled the potatoes, landon spruced up the house, emma,
helped set the table, and eden set out the cards- all for dad.
we were very blessed that rob got to come home for a few hours on father's day!

we knew he would be coming home soon so we raced from church to get
everything ready. it was a lot of fun to work together and make
things just right for when daddy came home.

daddy wanted a roast with mashed potatoes, corn, and biscuits. for dessert lauren
made an angel food cake that we served up with strawberries and whipped cream. YUM.
with a little greenery from the backyard to make the table special and the best company a daddy could ever ask for father's day dinner was a hit. homemade cards and lots of lov'in from the kiddos and the sweetheart made this daddy a very happy one.

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