Monday, October 15, 2012

You've been Boo-ed!!!

Ever since we have lived in this house every year as Halloween approaches we get Boo-ed! Someone puts a little goody bag on our doorstep, rings the doorbell, and runs. They leave a note with a little poem about Halloween and challenge youy to give back to two more neighbors. It really is a cute gesture and makes Halloween fun. This year Landon, Emma, and Eden got dressed up in all black and a stealthily went to neighbors homes on their secret mission! (Lauren was at band practice) It is important to wait until dark to make it extra secret. They really enjoyed this- especially getting dressed in all black and being very sneaky. I really do love this tradition and think this will be one we keep every year. Maybe next year I will make something extra scrumptious for our neighbors instead of just candy treats. I just love Holiday traditions even very simple ones!

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