Thursday, August 30, 2012

life in the fast lane...

inquisitive eden started 2nd grade at a new school this year! She is at a school
with just 2nd & 3rd graders.
she has two awesome
teachers and they are already adore her. she is loving
school and wishes that she could go to school on Labor day.oh well.

authentic emma is a 5th grader. wow, i actually remember quite a bit about
the fifth grade, i guess i'm still pretty young. it is a fun grade
to be in, so many new things to learn and
experience! emma got two phenomenal teachers as well. she is having a lot of fun!

bodacious landon started junior high. he is in 7th grade and
this year brings a whole lot of changes. he starts out his day with athletics followed
by seven other classes. he is taking all pre-AP courses including spanish.
this week has pretty much been about learning the school and doing team building activities.
he loves his science and art teachers and those just happen to be his favorite subjects.

captivating lauren is still at the high school as a 10th grader.
wow, i still can't believe i have one that old!!! she is super busy with early
morning seminary, band, and all AP classes. she is also taking a medical
terminology class.
she dutifully wakes up at 4:45 am. to get ready and has never complained. what a trooper!

i should have gotten a picture of myself behind the wheel
with a chauffeur's hat on because it seems all i do lately is take kids around here and there!
i wake at 5:30 am. and take lauren to seminary, come back and help the other kids
get ready, take them to school, and go exercise. afternoon brings a routine of picking up each
child at their school (four schools to go to, yea me) but it is so worth it because i get to see them every day right after school and hear about all that has gone on without me. things will get more crazy as we add sports into the mix. every year we pray about  the kids and the teachers they will get along with friends they will make throughout the year. every year we have been so blessed. i know Heavenly Father does hear and answer prayers. i think prayer is the best tool for raising children and getting them through a school year healthy, happy, and successful!

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